Editorial board of the Sanctuary Life Messenger have invited articles, stories, advertisements and classifieds for the Winter issue of the magazine. All data should be received and confirmed by 30 June Please be aware that only selected items can go in the issue as we do have limitation of space. We will discuss with you and inform you when your article can be published. Please contact our customer service for any further information.
Sanctuary Life Conference 2012 was held in Castle Grand, Castle Hill, NSW on 29 & 30 September 2012. 2013 conference/Camp details will be announced shortly. Watch this space…
Sanctuary Life Messenger Magazine has been Launched on Saturday, 30 July 2011 4:00pm at Moorebank Community Centre, Moorebank. Thank You for your support and presence.
Last date for submitting articles to the WINTER 2012 issue is 13 May 2012.