About us

Who we are:

Based in Sydney Australia, we are a group of inter-denominational, bible based, evangelical Christian believers who have come together to encourage one another and build each other up (1Th 5:11).

Brief history:

  • Founded 22 years back in 1991 as Friday night fellowship.
  • In 2001 when the meeting was moved to its Leader’s (Jiji Skariah) new residence at The Sanctuary at  Voyager Point, where the meeting is held every Friday,  it was renamed as Sanctuary Christian Fellowship.
  • In 2009 when the need came to register the group, it was registered as Sanctuary Life International Ministries.
  • In 2011 Sanctuary Life International Ministries (SLIM) launched its flagship magazine Sanctuary Life Messenger® which has a readership of more than 10000 across all cities of Australia and different parts of the world.
  • Friday Fellowship/Sanctuary Life International Ministries has been conducting Christian camps since 1990.
  • SLIM conference was launched in 2010 and has been growing steadily with more than 1000 people attending the conference.
  • SLIM is not a church…. in fact it is a powerhouse which powers up various churches. We are an interdenominational outreach ministry.
  • Our members go to different churches and leading there in different capacities.
  • Main purpose of the ministry is to reach out to evangelise and minister to souls, who then can be adopted by local churches for discipleship.

We meet every Friday evening, 8:00PM, at Voyager Point, NSW. If you like to know more information, please email us on info@sanctuarylife.com.au or Contact us on (02) 8004 7353.

Our Vision:

Our Vision is to positively influence the world around us  using our own lives as an example (Tit 2:7) and spread the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ (2 Cor 2:14). We want to maintain and strengthen the unity in spirit through love (Col 3:14) without compromising Christian faith and practice.

Our Mission:

Our Mission is to spread the love of God (Act 13:47-49) by the preaching of the Word and through exemplary lives (1 Tim 4:12). We want our lives and everything we do to reflect our faith and love for God (2 Cor 3:17-18). We are committed to the increase of the Kingdom of God (Isa 9:6-7).

Our Ethos:

We believe in and actively promote the unity of the body of Christ (John 17:22). We love God and all people. We encourage our members to regularly worship and be actively involved in the ministry of their local church (Act 2:42-47). We believe in the imminent return of our Lord Jesus Christ (Rev 22:12) and the importance of Christians to be prepared for our Lord’s return (2 Pet 3:10-13). We strive to live lives worthy of the Lord, bearing fruit in good works and growing in the knowledge of God (Col 1:10).

Our activities involve weekly Bible study & prayer meetings, fasting prayers, family camps, Christian conferences and charity initiatives. The aim of all our activities is to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christmay be built up until we all reach unityin the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God(Eph 4:12-13)

We value all people regardless of gender,  race or culture and accept them as created equal before God (Gal 3:28). Currently, we are actively involved among (but not limited to) the Indian Diaspora in Australia.